We've found that by using this exoskeleton to induce asymmetry during treadmill walking, we can get a similar adaptation response to split-belt treadmill training in healthy individuals.
Banu Abdikadirova, Mark Price, Jonaz Moreno Jaramillo, Wouter Hoogkamer, Meghan E Huber
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, 2023, pp. 10457--10463
Unilateral stiffness modulation with a robotic hip exoskeleton elicits adaptation during gait
Mark Price, Banu Abdikadirova, Dominic Locurto, Jonaz Moreno Jaramillo, Nicholas Cline, Wouter Hoogkamer, Meghan E Huber
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2022, pp. 12275--12281